Like so many, our member Groups have been impacted by the Covid-19 situation.

All centre based activities have had to close but many of our groups are running their service in different ways and working hard to help their members and visitors at this time.

Here are some fantastic examples of good work in our community:




Upper Norwood Association for Community Care (UNACC) they are making and delivering healthy and nutritious meals once a week - however many are needed for that week.


UNACC have also started Nordic Walking - this is every Wednesday at 10am from UNACC at South Norwood Lake.  Safe outdoor exercise followed by socially distanced tea, coffee and post walk chat.  



South Croydon Day Centre

As well as supporting their visitors through telephone contact, providing shopping services and help with getting prescriptions etc; South Croydon Day Centre have received donations of food items and funds which are used to support the more vulnerable and needy.  They are providing food items, including tins, tea bags, milk and drink, and also toiletries to those with genuine need for free.

They hope to be able to continue with this service until they resume normal operations.

More recently they have been running a Fish & Chips collection and delivery drive which has been extremely well received.



Purley & Coulsdon Club for the Elderly (PACE)

 PACE have been providing a weekly telephone call to their clients and, additionally, delivering shopping where needed.  They have also been sending out a weekly newsletter that contains quizzes, word search etc. (this has been very popular).



ASKI (Advice, Support, Knowledge, Information)

 ASKI have delivered 60 hot meals weekly to the elderly in Croydon as part of their COVID-19 response. They have also been providing dance and exercise classes via Zoom which has helped to keep their clients active and focused.



 Waddon Community Outreach

 Waddon Community Outreach have arranged 'safe distancing conversations' for some of their folk who are really struggling with the isolation. They have set up a meeting time outside with ‘germ free’ chairs, just two - 7 or 8 feet apart. This initiative is helping to relieve some of the pressure and people are being sensible about not coming too often, so others can come if they want to.



 New Addington Good Samaritans

 NAGS have been speaking to all their people at least every 2 weeks.  They are especially looking out for anyone who may have no family and who may be struggling during this time.



 Croham Hurst Good Neighbours

 At Croham Hurst they have been providing a telephone befriending service to their clients and assisting with shopping where needed.



Addiscombe Neighbourhood Care Association (ANCA) 

 At ANCA, all through the Covid-19 period, they have been keeping in regular contact  by phone with their clients.  Additionally, they have provided a shopping and prescription collection service.  Medical drives have restarted, with volunteer drivers, to chiropody appointments at Shirley Neighbourhood Care. 

ANCA have recently provided a Fish & Chips delivery service to their clients too which has been met with enthusiasm by all.



 Shirley Neighbourhood Care Scheme

Shirley have been very busy keeping in touch by phone with their clients and helping them where needed and possible.  They have also been providing weekly frozen meals (cooked by their lunch club chef). 

Recently, they arranged for 200 cream teas to be delivered, supported by 70 volunteers.  The feedback has been fantastic!



Selsdon Contact

From the beginning of lockdown, Selsdon Contact have been running a food hub with donations.  As of 28/7, regular food has stopped but emergency food bags are still being delivered.  They are running a tea/coffee and cake in the garden initiative.  They have also been keeping in touch by phone with their clients.



 South Norwood & Woodside Community Association (SNWCA)

 At South Norwood they have been busy during this period delivering fresh cooked meals 2-3 times a week.  Additionally, they have been keeping in touch with their clients by phone and providing a shopping service too.



Sanderstead Neighbourhood Care

 Sanderstead have been providing a shopping delivery and prescription collection service.
